Chance to be published by New Vision or Nation Media Group for Script graduates

African journalists working in the New Vision newsroom in Kampala, Uganda, a Script media partner

Image: The New Vision newsroom in Kampala. ©New Vision



Chance to be published by New Vision or Nation Media Group for Script graduates

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  • Six successful applicants will work with either New Vision or Nation Media to publish a science story
  • Deadline for applications 30 May 2020
  • Story ideas will be judged on interest, impact, clarity and evidence

Script is offering six science journalists who have completed the online Script Science Communication Skills for Journalists course the chance to work with some of the regions most respected media outlets. We’re partnering with New Vision in Uganda, and with Nation Media Group in Kenya and Rwanda, to offer successful applicants the chance to have their work published.

The opportunity is open to all science journalists, whatever your level of experience, as long as you have completed the Script online course before 30 May 2020. The winning applicants will be partnered with a media outlet (either the Daily Nation, New Vision or The East African) to develop their story ready for publication.

To apply, tell us your story idea before 5pm GMT on 30 May 2020. Applications will be judged on the story’s likely interest to audiences, its potential impact, clarity of language, and evidence of sources and potential interviewees. Editorial support from the allocated media partner will be provided either remotely or face-to-face but will include at least one face-to-face meeting with editorial staff (at no cost to applicants). Applicants will be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses associated with developing their story idea.

This opportunity has been made possible by the generous support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

Script is a free training and networking resource for journalists, scientists and anyone who wants to communicate science in an engaging and accurate way.

By connecting reporters and researchers, and giving both groups the skills to understand and communicate with each other, Script aims to increase the quantity and quality of science-related stories in the news. We believe this is essential to enable informed, evidence-based decision-making, by everyone from individuals to policymakers.