African researchers receive free access to science news service

African researchers receive access to AlphaGalileo. Image: Alpha Galileo image with University of Cambridge logo

AlphaGalileo’s service works on both on desktop and mobile.


News Update

African researchers receive free access to science news service

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  • AlphaGalileo is an independent research news service
  • It distributes research news to thousands of interested journalists across the globe
  • AlphaGalileo wants to encourage more African researchers to communicate their work

Script has partnered with leading independent research news service AlphaGalileo to enable African researchers who completed the Media Skills for Scientists online course to deliver their research news directly to thousands of professional journalists across the globe, free of charge.

The service, which is usually available only to academic institutions at a cost of upwards of GBP 850 per year, means Script graduates can circulate their research news to an interested media audience quickly and easily. Graduates will be asked to upload their certificate of completion when they register as a contributor on AlphaGalileo’s site, as evidence of their authenticity.

This is a great opportunity for African researchers

“This is a great opportunity for Script graduates to reach a global audience of journalists who are interested in hearing about science news,” said Charles Wendo, SciDev.Net Training Coordinator. “We encourage all African researchers to complete the Script online course and make the most of this offer.”

Peter Green, AlphaGalileo’s Managing Director, commented: “AlphaGalileo has been committed to encouraging African researchers to make use of the world’s media to promote African research excellence for some time. We hope this collaboration with the Script project will go some way to helping achieve that goal.”

African researchers who have completed the Script online course and are interested in registering should visit and click on Register. They then need to select their role as ‘Contributor’ and their organisation as ‘Script Graduates’. More information about AlphaGalileo’s service and how it works can be found at

Script is a free training and networking resource for journalists, scientists and anyone who wants to communicate science in an engaging and accurate way. 

Script is made possible by funding from the Robert Bosch Stiftung and is implemented by SciDev.Net