Script offers budding journalists possible ‘big break’ with mentoring from Nation Media Group

African journalists working in the Nation Media newsroom in Kenya

Image: Newsroom. ©Nation Media Group


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Script offers budding journalists possible ‘big break’ with mentoring from Nation Media Group

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  • Anyone who completes Script’s Science Communications Skills for Journalists free online course can apply
  • Mentoring may be done face-to-face, over email, phone, Skype or by other appropriate means
  • Nation Media Group is the largest independent media house in East and Central Africa

Budding journalists are being offered a step up the career ladder thanks to a new mentoring scheme by the Script programme and Nation Media Group.

Anyone who completes Script’s ‘Science Communication Skills for Journalists’ free online course is encouraged to apply for the opportunity by 30 April 2019. Successful applicants will be selected by an editorial panel of experts from SciDev.Net and Nation Media by 1 June 2019. Applications will be judged according to their interest and story idea.

The programme will match up journalists with a dedicated editor who will guide them from development through to publication of a science story. Mentoring will be conducted face-to-face, over email, phone, Skype or other appropriate means.

Script supports the development of high-quality science reporting in Africa by providing skills and opportunities to journalists and scientists. The programme is funded by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and implemented by SciDev.Net.

“This is a chance for aspiring science journalists to see their byline in some of Africa’s most successful media,” explained Dr. Charles Wendo, SciDev.Net Training Coordinator. “We’re grateful to Nation Media Group for partnering with Script and SciDev.Net to deliver this opportunity.’

David Aduda, Nation Media Group’s Editor for Partnerships and Special Projects commented: “We’re looking forward to seeing the applications in the coming weeks and publishing some exciting new science stories as a result. We’re committed to reporting on science to help our readers be better informed about the issues they care about.”

Nation Media Group is the largest independent media house in East and Central Africa with operations in print, broadcast and digital media, which serve audiences in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Rwanda.

SciDev.Net is the world’s leading source of reliable and authoritative news, views and analysis about science and technology for global development.